Devil horns

Welcome to, the home of Dimspirations, nihilist inspirations for your daily life.

You know you have dark thoughts. That's why you're here. Now your darkest thoughts can be illustrated and set to upbeat music. But you have to bring your own music. I can't do everything for you.

I'm Brett Terpstra. I'm bipolar and ADHD, with an unhealthy dose of PTSD, and as a result I've developed a pretty dark sense of humor. I'm not looking to offend you, I'm only looking to entertain. If this site isn't your cup of tea, maybe pass it along to someone you think might enjoy it.


Well, not really ratings, but if you like a Dimspiration, please hit the devil button underneath it. That data is completely anonymous but will help me figure out which ones might make good merch. - Dimspirations for your daily life. | Product Hunt

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Feeling dimspired? Want to tell me more? Want to complain about my work, the world at large, or your own trials and tribulations? Use this link to send a message to someone who cares.

Why No Share Button?

No data collection, you're worth more than that.

When you embed a Facebook, Twitter (sorry, X, whatever), or other social media button, you give large corporations permission to track your users across the web. I hate that.

You should be able to control what data is collected on you, and I don't want to feed into the machines that are selling you as a product. So copy links as you see fit, they'll get cool preview images and everything when you paste them into a post. It's one extra step, but it's for your own good.